Sunday, January 18, 2009


A few things going on is done, hair has been severed. I have begun mapping out my extended drive back to the sanctuary of California's redwood coast. So many great places to see along the way! Seeing that it is January (though it's hard to tell here in Lubbock, I actually got a tan hiking yesterday), I will be following a more Southernly route, which is perfect because it takes me through a lot of places I have yet to visit on my ever-building list of travels. Even if the Arizona job pans out, it won't begin until the end of February so I might as well visit California anyway.

With such an action-packed itinerary dancing enticingly before my eyes, it is difficult to sit still here in Lubbock. I left town yesterday, hiking a good 11 miles in Caprock canyon to combat the stagnation. By the end of this week, I should be packed up and itching to hit the road. 

1 comment:

sherbieface said...

Completed tattoo = awesome! =)