Thursday, August 7, 2008

Been a long time since I rock n' rolled

Actually, it's just been a long time since I've blogged...and rolled. I don't really roll. Anyway, things have been busy, busy as usual. Let's get right down to it...
Had a week of mom getting six months of motherliness out of her system. I tried to adequately give her a sense of mountain living: wine, food, bears...yes, bears. We surprisingly came across a mother and two cubs while driving out of my work site. It was the first bearage I've ever encountered, even with backpacking in the Smokies at the height of bear season. Needless to say we were both excited.
My favorite part was exploring a grove of giant sequoias that Taylor and I had yet to visit. Mom couldn't get over the giant cones from the sugar pine (Ironically, the giant sequoia has comparatively tiny cones). After all the fun and foot breakage (Taylor is starting to heal nicely), mom went home and work ensued. Last weekend we cut loose by heading to Mammoth lakes for the beer and blues festival. Then Patrick and I started a forest fire...
Ok, we didn't start it at all actually. We went hiking at Sherwin Lakes and discovered the beginnings of what appeared to be a small fire started by some ignorant people. When we left, the fire crew was on their way up the trail and we thought that would be the end of it. Lo and behold, I look up online just moments ago and discover the fire became a raging inferno, burning over 250 acres. See Patrick, you really could have been a hero!
Now, after another weeks work, things are boiling down in the world of Goshawk surveys. We have very little left to do, which is superb because I have moving to deal with. On the 19th, I shall be packing up the little focus that could and heading to Lubbock, Texas to start grad school. But not before having a final weekend hurrah in San Francisco. Once I do move though, I should finally have a working cell phone so expect some calls and catching up.

1 comment:

sherbieface said...

You wouldn't be passing through Colorado Springs would you? =)